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We Believe In ...


People First, Integrity, Fairness


More Jobs & Better Paychecks

Healthcare for All Citizens

Better Public Schools

Diversity & Inclusion

Fair Voting Districts

Clean Environment

Green Energy

Women's Reproductive Rights

Reducing Gun Violence

Mentoring & Supporting Youth

Register and Vote DEMOCRAT!

1. People First (CCDP): Promote the best interests of people as the first and core foundation of policy and practices.

2. Integrity (CCDP): Operate with truth and transparency at all levels: citizen, candidate, elected official, and organization.

3. Fairness (CCDP): Treat all people with fairness in recognizing and supporting individual human and civil rights.

4. More Jobs and Better Paychecks (NCDP):  We’re standing up to build an economy that works for everyone – not just those at the top. Today’s economy isn’t working for everyone.  Democrats want to build a stronger economy to give everyone who wants a job a living wage.  That means investing in our crumbling infrastructure, bringing back small business to help revitalize main street, and fighting to ensure a living wage for all North Carolinians.  Because no one working a 40-hour week should struggle to provide for their family.

5. Healthcare for All (NCDP): Healthcare is a right privilege. Everyone should have access to affordable, quality health care no matter how much money they have. And those dealing with substance abuse issues like opioids should be met with compassion, not contempt, and offered the help they need. Democrats are fighting to protect the Affordable Care Act – and to build on it by expanding Medicaid and bring care to thousands more low-oncome people.

6. Better Public Schools (NCDP): Education is key to a better job, more freedom, and more opportunities. We need to make sure that every child is given an opportunity to success, and that starts with our schools.  The NCDP is fighting to make good public schools available to every child, no matter what zip code they live in, and to make job training more accessible for all North Carolinians.  That’ been a priority for Governor Cooper, and it’s a priority for all North Carolina Democrats.

7. Clean Environment and Green Energy (NCDP): Protecting our environment is good for our state, for our economy and for our people.  Our state is blessed with some of the most beautiful public spaces in the world – from our white sand beaches on the Outer Banks to the Blue Ridge Mountains out west.  Those spaces are what makes North Carolina special, and future generations deserve to enjoy them as much as we do. Democrats are standing up for our environment and clean energy investments because keeping our environment pristine is good for our state, our economy, and the health and well-being of our people.  That includes cleaning waterways of harmful chemicals like GenX, attracting and encouraging green business, and taking steps to combat climate change.

8. Fair Voting Districts (NCDP): Voters should Choose their representatives – not the other way around.  Gerrymandering rigs the system – plan and simple – and it means that not everyone in our state has fair representation. Democrats are standing up to gerrymandering and fighting to make sure that voters across the state choose their representatives, not the other way around.

9. Diversity and Inclusion (NCDP): Democrats are a big tent party – and believe that our diversity is a source of our strength.  North Carolina is a diverse state, full of wonderful people from all walks of life and backgrounds.  Democrats believe every North Carolinian should be celebrated, and our state should keep pushing to be an inclusive, diverse place that welcomes everyone.  We believe that our diversity is a source of our strength – not something to hide – and we are committed to fighting for civil and human rights for all North Carolinians.  It doesn’t matter the color of your skin, who you live with, how much money you make , or where you live, Democrats are fighting for you and your family.

10. Women’s Rights (DMC): Women should have the right to make health decisions and should enjoy equal pay.

11. Reducing Gun Violence (DMC): We must implement policies and practices to make our county safer from gun violence.

12. Supporting our Youth (DMC): Our youth are our future and must be given every opportunity to succeed.

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